Activate PLG sales with an easy self-serve motion

Enable customers to buy on their own from your website or product with two lines of code.
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Cacheflow simplifies the whole sign up and billing experience. Our customers can start on small plans, and our team can expand deals with minimal intervention needed.
Rishi Bhargava, Co-founder

Self-Service or Sales-Led? Do both with Cacheflow.

Convert free users into paid customers without salespeople

Cacheflow handles pricing and billing, making it easy for PLG users to buy your product. This lets you grab sales instantly when customers are most excited about your product

Land-and-expand from the same subscription

Expand PLG customers with a sales motion in just a few clicks.Sales reps simply edit a customer subscription, send a quote for signature and Cacheflow auto-calculates the new bill.

Offer Different Plans & Pricing

Allow customers to self-select the best plan to get started and make it simple for them to upgrade when  ready.

Accept multiple payment types to get paid faster

Capture and automate automate credit card and direct debit payments with histories, schedules, exceptions and dunning.

Built to close any SaaS deal, easier.

Usage-based billing

Connect product usage via webhooks, and auto-bill based on usage.

Automated invoicing

Send one link for quote review, revision, and signature, and payment information.

Multiple payment options

Bill and get paid with any currency. Don't let cross-border complexities slow your growth.

Advanced features using our APIs


Create approver groups, and trigger based on TCV, discount percentage, geography and more.

Custom self-serve packages

Capture and report your most important revenue metrics (TCV, ACV, ARR). Keep your reporting, CRM and ERP in sync.

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